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A.S.B.5 Series

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Characteristics These integrated ASB challenge series One-Step stretch blow molding machines performs both preform molding & blow molding. These are the smallest range of machines in the One-Step process. With a compact body they are ideal for economical capacity production of a wide range of products, molding small containers, and test shots.
Shape PET containers in a wide variety of shapes & sizes, and containers of other resins including PC, PP.
Application PET containers for beverages ( fruit juice, tea, mineral water, etc.), edible oils, toiletries, soaps, detergents and containers of other resins including PC, PP.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
A. S. B. 5 Series, A. S. B. 50Mb, A. S. B. 650 Series, A. S. B. D. P. Series, Blow Stretch Pet Moulding Machinery, H. S. O Series, N. B. Series, P. M. Series, Pb Series, Pet Bottles Moulding Machinery, Pf Series, Plastic Blow Stretch Pet Moulding Machinery, Stretch Blow Moulding Machinery For Pet Bottles